Individual Solutions

As individual as necessary, but as standardised as possible

  • Many managers hesitate to select an individual IT solution because such solutions are considered time-consuming and inflexible. Due to assumed planning complexity, tedious implementation and incalculable costs, many avoid requesting further information – even at no obligation.

    In complex IT projects the classical approach with requirement and system specifications for the entire project up front is rather limited. For customers it is initially difficult and time-consuming to map out detailed requirements in advance. The implementation takes time and only after completing the software is it possible to check whether the business targets can actually be reached , or whether adjustments are needed. Late changes are often expensive because the effects on downstream features need to be considered.

  • On the other hand, we depend on an iterative procedure. Together with our customers we prepare the specifications and functions. Instead of defining an entire project in detail, we describe with you each next step (2-4 workweeks) in detail, arranged according to relevance and practicality for your business. With mutually agreed development methods we can quickly deliver deployable and operational software that you can test with regard to fulfilling business goals in your company. In praxis you soon recognise whether the requirements were precisely formulated or whether adjustments are needed.

    We can therefore immediately include your findings in the development process and, as a result, avoid laborious and costly misguided developments.

Advantages of our procedure
01 Earlier operational – earlier beneficial – earlier feedback
02 Makes complex projects manageable
03 Shows quick success
04 Provides flexibility during the process
05 Avoids laborious and costly misguided developments
06 Future-oriented architecture
  • In an increasingly dynamic surrounding, requirements are subject to change. Reasons could be diffuse information at the start of the project, changing market conditions and customer wishes or knowledge derived from system operations. Specially prepared programming and project management methods allow us to maintain the necessary flexibility in the project.

  • The subdivision into product increments offers you the largest possible flexibility with regard to both the time frame for decisions on detailed specifications as well as the immediate benefit from an earlier operation of the system. The close contact to our development team requires the acceptance of the new software, and the feedback of your staff enhances the quality of the programme.

    With the iterative and incremental approach you receive customised, high quality software, which is quickly operational.